Simple way to understand Engineering Mechanics and its types

What is Engineering Mechanics?

Engineering mechanics is a branch of science which deals with the behavior of physical bodies when subjected to forces or displacements and also it’s effect with the environment .

This Engineering mechanics principle is used in various engineering disciplines such as civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering.

The following are the key concepts in engineering mechanics

  • Static
  • Dynamic
  • Strength of materials
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Mechanics of materials


The term static means not moving or not changing. The static mechanics is the study of bodies at rest and forces in equilibrium.

Here Equilibrium is a condition where the sum of forces and moments acting on a body is zero.


The Dynamics mechanics is the study of bodies at motion including their acceleration, velocity, and displacement.

This dynamics mechanics is further subdivided in to two

  • Kinetics
  • Kinematics.


Kinetics is the study of relationship between the forces acting on a body and also its motion upon it. Kinetics also includes the study of Newton’s laws of motion, which describe how forces affect the motion of objects.


kinematics is that branch of Dynamics which deals with the bodies in motion without taking into account the forces which are responsible for the motion.

It involves studying position, velocity, and acceleration without considering the forces or moments which cause them.

Mechanics of materials

Mechanics of materials deals with the behavior of solid materials when subjected to various types of loading, such as tension, compression, shear, and torsion. It also involves studying stresses, strains, and deformations in materials and how they respond to applied loads.

Fluid Mechanics or mechanics of fluids

Fluid mechanics deals with the behavior of fluids at rest and in motion.

Fluid is a substance that does not possess a definite shape and easily yields to external pressure. examples of fluids are liquids and gases. Their molecules are loosely packed so that they don’t possess definite shape but possess the shape of the container.

It includes studying fluid properties, fluid flow, pressure, buoyancy, and viscosity.

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